Sunshine and Giggles Flossy on the Farm Jennifer Hebert
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Sunshine and Giggles

Flossy on the Farm

Release Date: 06/06/2023

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about Sunshine and Giggles
I wrote Sunshine and Giggles to honor my mom. She was full of life and would make everyone laugh with her sweet southern soul. Her memory lives on as the main character, Flossy. In this book, Flossy takes you on an adventure around the farm. Crazy southern sayings, playful animals, and Flossy in her element are sure to bring sunshine and giggles to your home.

My goal for this book is to help pass on my mom’s lessons in a way that preserves the innocence and purity of children in an education and entertaining manner.

About This Author

Jennifer Buffington- Hebert is the epitome of a southern mama. Strong, loving, classy, witty and full of tact. She loves her family and friends BIG! She goes above and beyond for anyone that crosses her path and genuinely tries to help people. One way Jennifer shows her love is through cooking delicious food in the kitchen. Not only does she cook amazing food, it is paired with true southern hospitality most people know and love. Family, friends and fellowship fill her bucket the most!

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